How to get involved

You don’t need superhuman powers to get involved in building a movement to end violence! You only have to unleash your superhuman powers already within you – your ability to imagine and move towards a better worlds, your ability to connect to others and build relationships, and your abillity to create social change by using your creativity and taking risks!

proactiveProactive: By imagining and leading with what we want and need for a better world, we are being proactive. Here’s some proactive steps you can take to create a compassionate community.

  • Start a conversation with a friend or family member about compassionate communities or the movement strategies.
  • Take this conversation online. Post your ideas and tag them with #OurRevolution.
  • Organize or Join a group at you school that works to make relationships better or schools safer.
interconnectedInterconnected: Every school and community has different social circles or cliques. Build bridges between these social circles to ensure that all individuals, especially the least seen and heard, are interconnected into an integrated, whole community.

  • Think of ways to connect and build relationships with others in your school and communitiyh?
  • Find common ground or interests.
  • Work with and support individuals who care about other social justice issues, like ending racism or protecting the environment, and, in turn, have them support our work to end violence.
social_changeSocial change: Social change involves changing our world to be a place where all humans are engaged in the movement to end violence. Social change is creating a different future where compassionate communities exist everywhere.

  • Think creatively and take risks
  • Culture and arts can be a key to
  • Can you think of a concrete solution for ending violence?
  • How could you create social change in your school, communities and beyond?